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How to Make a Half Double | Double Crochet Stitch

How to work a half double crochet (hdc)

and double crochet. (dc)

Abbreviations for the terms used in this post.

ch - Chain
yo - yarn over
hk - hook
hdc - half double crochet
dc - double crochet
sk - skip
lp / lps  - loop / loops

In a previous post I showed you how to make a Chain & Single Stitch which can make a beautiful piece, but there is many different stitches to learn. In this post I will show you how to work a half double crochet and a double crochet. These two stitches will change the look and texture of your project combined the right way with a single crochet stitch you can come up with countless variations.

Were adding a few steps but they will become easier with time and practice. Don't be nervous I will take you step by step. Now lets get our hook and some yarn and lets get started.

Step 1

First make a chain don't worry about how many because this is just for practice. Next you will skip first two chain from hook, yarn over and insert hook into the next chain. Shown below in figure 1.

Figure 1

Step 2

Now you will yarn over and catching the yarn pulling it through the chain, this will put three loops on your hook. Shown below in figure 2.

Figure 2

Step 3

 To finish the half double crochet stitch, you will yarn over and pull through all three loops leaving one loop on hook. Shown in images below

Figure 3

                                         Figure 4

Now that wasn't to hard was it. Ready to add another step and make this half double into a double crochet?

Making a double crochet stitch is just like making a half double crochet stitch, except for two steps one at the beginning and another just after step two. Lets get started.

Step 1

When you start a double you will yarn over and insert hook into the forth chain from hook. Shown in figure 1.

 Figure 1

Step 2

Next you will yarn over and pull up a loop, giving you three loops on your hook. Shown in figure 2. This should look familiar from the half double stitch. Now unlike the half double you will not pull through all three loops on hook.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Step 3

This step is going to make your half double into a double. You are going to yarn over but instead of pulling through all three loops on hook your only going to pull through two loops on hook. You will have two loops remaining on your hook. Shown in figure 4, yarn over and pull through remaining loops on hook.

Figure 4

Finished double crochet shown in figure 5.
Figure 5

Now that you have two more stitches in your bag. You can be more creative, I hope this post has helped. Happy Crafting.

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